12 Jul, 2016

Strategic MMC Launches Website

Strategic MMC Website
12 Jul, 2016

Welcome to the new Strategic MMC website! Over the past 6 months, we’ve been busy creating the SMMC website to provide easier access and more opportunity for the business communities we serve. What took so long? Let us explain in this message from our CEO:

“In the beginning, I had a lot of questions. Being part of a small-business community, and operating three small-businesses of my own, I felt very connected to entrepreneurial innovation. I remember the excitement, hesitation and the never-ending 16-hour work days. I remember the constant battles of risk/reward over the decisions that I had to make, ultimately leading to the failure or success of my ideas. Once my idea was established and running, the next step was spreading my ideas – which I found out was one of the most critical parts of a small-business in order to maintain longevity and turn a profit…and at the same time, no one wanted to help. So, I spent a lot of time failing, because I didn’t really understand the mechanisms behind how ideas spread.

…at it’s heart – marketing is nothing more than communication.

Today, ideas are worth more than anything that can be made, and the competition is stronger than ever. Thus, I began a journey into marketing – which is a fascinating industry combining psychology and sociology in ways that evoke the right brain (emotion) and left-brain (logic) to work together in creating wants. But at it’s heart – marking is nothing more than communication and a way to facilitate the spread of an idea. It’s also no longer applicable to the goofy car salesman screaming about discounts and deals – a result of mass media. Once I experienced marketing in true fashion, I was hooked on utilizing my creative expression to facilitate growth, and suddenly one company wasn’t enough. So, over the past 10 years, I’ve been busy working with small and large brands while building a strong creative network. The end goal has been to combine my experience with others, supported by a few key designers, programmers, and a network of industry experts working as consultants to create something that most small-business never have access to – a reliable vehicle to spread their idea.

Today, we present that vehicle as your story.

I hope we have a chance to work together, or at the very least an opportunity to listen to your story. Feel free to browse around and see if anything we do interests you. Or drop us a line and ask us a question – any question. We’ll be happy to help or direct you to someone who can.” – Chris Schwartz, Founder


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