14 Jan, 2018

This Deserves a Promotion – Marketing Promotion at the Next Level

Marketing Promotion
14 Jan, 2018
Marketing Promotion

Understanding Marketing Promotion:

Although placement lets you express your marketing message at the right time and place, you need to have the right theme and message. Here is where promotional strategies comes into full swing. Marketing promotion creates awareness for your product, generates brand-loyalty, and also educates your audience with the message of why your offering is the right choice. As the physical location and distribution channels are being defined, it’s important to develop a promotional strategy as one of the last P’s in the marketing mix.

Overall promotion is one of the more complex P’s in the marketing mix. Most organizations have already explored the product, place, and pricing strategies in order to even exist in the brandscape and have already determined the best way to balance this part of the marketing mix. At this point in the business life-cycle, you exist. Now it’s time to understand marketing promotion as the element generally needed to foster growth.

The two most important elements of strategic marketing promotion is what you say and how you say it.

With Strategic MMC, we begin by identifying the purpose of your promotional mix, (usually generating opportunity). Then we identify the objectives of your promotional strategy using a visual analog scale, such as the importance of; spreading awareness, stimulating interest, distributing education, differentiating your offering, building demand, or strengthening the overall brand image. These objectives can then be accomplished by developing a promotional mix through advertising, sales, PR, direct marketing, and personal selling.

This promotional then mix becomes the backbone of your strategic marketing campaigns that accelerate both push and pull strategies intended to push your offering to new audiences and/or generate interest that pulls new audiences to your brand. When properly balanced and executed, promotion ensures your brand message appropriately reaches the target audience.


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