16 Aug, 2016

Strategic MMC’s Over 50 Marketing Strategies

Over 50 Marketing Strategies
16 Aug, 2016

Over 50 Marketing StrategiesIn today’s brandscape, being seen doesn’t automatically make you relevant, and being relevant doesn’t mean that anyone knows you exist.

If you’re searching for effective marketing strategies – you can discover them here.

Effective marketing strategies fuse creative expression with personality and value to generate emotional content that disrupts competitive positioning, piques audience interest, and circumvents doubt and distrust. Multidimensional content educates viewers with multi-level input that guides the decision-making process and nurtures visitors through incremental alignment – all while enticing audiences to create their own story.

Complicated? Maybe a little, but we’ve had a lot of practice. In fact – here’s an overview of the 50+ marketing & business strategies Strategic MMC has utilized in the past – often combined, split, or sectioned to create unique, bold, and strategic marketing campaigns that offer both compelling action and awareness.

  1. Word of Mouth – The most powerful and common marketing strategies
  2. Guerrilla Marketing – Non-traditional or unconventional low-budget approach that focuses on high-energy awareness creation with memorable fall-outs
  3. Story Marketing – Using strategically placed content to create a story or experience that adequately captures the imagination of a specific audience
  4. Call-to-Action – A demanding or simple direct request to provoke an immediate response and facilitate movement through the lead funnel
  5. Online Marketing – Using targeted web-based tools and platforms to create awareness
  6. E-mail Marketing – Direct marketing by use of commercial email platforms to send messages that connect with prospects based on newsletters, loyalty, or relationship building incentives
  7. Permission Marketing – Offering prospects something of perceived value in exchange for their time or information
  8. Event Marketing – Creating engagement with customers to facilitate the customer relationship and experience
  9. Outbound Marketing – Commonly utilizes paid marketing channels and services (TV, news, radio, direct mail, telemarketing) to buy interest and create awareness
  10. Inbound Marketing – Using internal, company-created content and resources (social media, video, images, blogs) to earn interest and create awareness
  11. Direct Marketing – Targeting specific individuals with diverse channels of promotional material
  12. Promotional Give-Aways – Providing free content, products, or services to drive awareness and brand-experience
  13. Content Marketing – Focusing solely on developing educational content to drive awareness, knowledge, differentiation, and influence
  14. Tradeshow Marketing – Attending industry-specific events designed to promote and demonstrate brand experience
  15. Search Marketing – Using popular search-engine ad services (such as Google) to connect content with relevant phrases
  16. Niche Marketing – Targeting a very definable sub-culture or group
  17. Drip Marketing – A series-based strategy that delivers small pieces of content through per-scheduled interactions
  18. Cause Marketing – Pairing your brand with a cause that your audience values
  19. Proximity Marketing – Signaling customers with promotional material when they are within range
  20. Brand-Love Marketing – Building relationships with clients to add emotional value to your products and services
  21. Availability Marketing – Limiting availability to drive demand
  22. Conversion Marketing – Focusing on conversions through strategic funneling
  23. Viral Marketing – Short-term, high-visibility ideas that create mass awareness
  24. Cult Marketing – Creating niche-markets within community sub-culture to amass highly passionate and devoted fans
  25. Diversity Marketing – Segmenting an audience through marketing collateral aimed at specific cultural customs and beliefs.
  26. Curiosity Marketing – Stimulating interest through the promise to experience discovery, knowledge, or understanding
  27. Mass Marketing – Effectively appealing to a large, diverse audience with a common interest
  28. Seasonal Marketing – Often linked with holidays, seasons, or mass-consumer events
  29. PR Marketing – Utilizing news media and mass-media resources to reach audiences
  30. Community Marketing – Creating engagement by communicating with social units that share common core values
  31. Social Media Marketing – Sharing in the customer experience through corporate-personality, social engagement and user-generated content
  32. Cross-Platform Marketing – Using a specified set of marketing channels and strategies to deliver cross-promotional awareness
  33. B2B – Overarching strategies to market direct to businesses
  34. B2C – Overarching strategies to market direct to consumers
  35. Discount Marketing – Short-term, price-centric strategy to create increased interest through perceived increased value (coupon, trade-ins, rebates)
  36. Crash Marketing – Capturing attention from a popular non-related event to springboard concentric awareness
  37. Mobile Marketing – Using aps, GPS, or mobile services as a promotional tool
  38. Alliance Marketing – Combining efforts in a collaborative, partner, or joint-venture nature to utilize additional resources in creating more dramatic critical mass
  39. Telemarketing – Using sales teams to contact prospects via telephone
  40. Direct-Mail Marketing – Sending physical, targeted collateral directly to customers homes
  41. Database Marketing – Purchasing 3rd party databases to target strategic campaigns
  42. Personalization – Marketing strategy that offers extreme levels of customization to fit a particular audience interest or to create personalized differentiation
  43. Acquisition – Purposefully driving strategic acquisitions to expand operations, customer base and company offerings
  44. Adjacency – Developing products and services in adjacent markets
  45. Needs Marketing – Focusing on solutions to primal human needs.
  46. Lifestyle Marketing – Focusing on marketing that drives lifestyle benefits
  47. Fear/Anxiety Marketing – Emotional marketing strategy that creates influence by targeting one of our most powerful emotions
  48. Limited Time Offerings (LTO) – A strategy to create short-term, immediate action through time-limited offerings
  49. Re-Marketing – A form of advertising that’s designed to create continuous awareness derived from previous interactions
  50. Subliminal Marketing – An indirect, sensory-based persuasion that create awareness or provokes an action without perceived influence
  51. Pop-Culture – Piggy-backing popular culture by creating a connection to support specific brand-awareness or engagement
  52. QR Marketing – Using quick response codes to provide value-added and influential content
  53. Big Projects Marketing – Focusing only on prospects with the direct ability to substantially increase your bottom-line
  54. Loyalty Marketing – Focused on current customers with promotional material that encourages and facilitates the brand-customer relationship
  55. Promotional Marketing – Combining several promotional strategies to create additional incentives to create engagement
  56. Bandwagon Marketing – Creating mass interest through social influences and perceived peer pressure

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